You can live your life to the fullest, yes it is possible!
Learn 101 ways to live your life to the fullest from Leadership Coach Sally Anderson, a guest influencer for Leadership at the Womenlines panel from New Zealand. Sally has privately coached key influencers internationally: CEO’s/executive teams/C-Suite forums/entrepreneurs/celebrities/politicians/millionaires/billionaires over 20 years.
STOP Taking Your Life For Granted!
The sobering fact, the average person’s life = 28,000 days. If you wrote your Eulogy now what changes would you make in your life to honour that Eulogy?
As Daniel Harkavy explains:
“When we take the time to write our eulogies, it creates this magnetic pull power that draws us forward, our priorities and our vision for where we want to be as leaders and how we’ll get there come into sharp focus, It creates a sense of urgency and clarity.
Top 100 recommendations to live your life with a sense of urgency:
- Don’t take yourself so seriously
- Live like today was your last
- Go all In with EVERYTHING you do
- Don’t sweat the small stuff
- Live with gratitude
- STOP waiting for the MACK TRUCK experience to arrive before you make the life changes you know intuitively you need to make
- Never take life for granted
- Love with all your heart ?? leave nothing on the table
- Learn & live with unconditional compassion
- Have a hunger to learn EVERYDAY
- Tell those you love that you love them often
- Don’t sweat the small stuff, worry is redundant for worry is using your imagination to create that which you do not want!
- Trust first thought implicitly it is always right
- When you want to back out go in
- Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable often
- Don’t live with regrets
- Stop selling out to excuses period
- Get a sense of humor
- Make a difference in someone’s life everyday
- Live full out like your life depended on it
- Compliment people freely & openly daily
- Live your passion with passion
- Don’t you dear blame anyone for your lot you are 100% responsible for who you are in the world
- Know your purpose & pay forward your knowledge daily
- Honour your god given vessel
- Do your best everyday even when you don’t feel like it
- Do not sell out to your feelings
- You are stronger than you think, when you feel at your worst just know you have what it takes to overcome & survive anything
- Learn to love yourself unconditionally
- Pamper yourself often & invest in your personal development as your most important investment
- Cultivate your mindset daily
- Mandate application of morning practices with a level of iron clad discipline
- Mediate daily
- Surrender to your faith thru every breath
- Be humble
- Walk your talk
- NEVER let your past dictate your future
- NEVER use time as the excuse for not living the life of your dreams
- Make your dreams a reality everyday because the only one stopping you from achieving them is you
- Talk kindly to yourself
- Love your body, respect your body, nurture your body, honor your body
- Forgive often to live with freedom
- Celebrate & acknowledge your wins
- Realise the most important distinction on the planet is ‘CHOICE’, the quality of your life is a direct function of the choices you make daily
- If your life does not reflect what you want you are the only person responsible to change it
- Nothing externally can impact your state unless you allow it
- Ask for support it is your greatest strength
- Learn to be vulnerable it’s the access point to love
- Let yourself be seen by those who matter
- Leave a legacy that matters
- Treat others as you would like to be treated
- Never go to bed without resolving the argument
- Say yes to opportunity with the wonderment of the child within
- NEVER get so serious you forget what it feels like to have fun
- Learn to belly laugh so hard it hurts
- Associate yourself with the best of the best
- NEVER tolerate disrespect
- Implement boundaries & honour your faith
- Walk your values instead of talking your values
- Be your word like your life depended on it
- Turn everything over to the universe & keep getting out of the way
- Learn to co-create outcomes instead of forcing outcomes
- Get into alignment & live in the slipstream
- NEVER hurt anyone, especially children, animals & those you love
- STOP delaying your happiness by playing life safely
- Get out of your comfort zone often for it is far from comfortable there
- Know that all there is is ?? love
- Understand the power of colour & stop wearing black
- Love like you have never been hurt
- Be soft & gentle with yourself often
- Hug everyone
- Pump up the volume & dance with abandon often
- All of human suffering is a function of what we make things mean, if you want to STOP suffering, STOP making things mean anything
- Find your tribe
- Lighten up, calm the farm, & chill out
- Be patient with yourself all good things take time
- Stop driving, striving, forcing, learn to access the slipstream, vortex, zone
- Get out of your head, (the monkey mind), dangerous territory up there, operate from your heart space often
- Get a cat, get a dog, for they are the greatest teachers of unconditional love
- Do the work, get the healing, stop being a victim to your past
- Believe in miracles again
- Breath is your access point to your higher self, center yourself often & know that you are invincible when connected to source
- STOP operating from the child, it does not serve you
- Work SMART not HARD & realise life is meant to be enjoyed
- Your perception of reality is just that, YOUR perception. Learn to raise your consciousness beyond the story you are telling yourself
- Honor your critics for they are your biggest teachers! Remember 1 finger pointing out & 3 fingers pointing back! Their opinion of you HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU
- Live fearlessly for you were born fearless, intuitive & connected. No one can touch you if you are connected
- You can sleep well at night if you know you are living true to your values
- Learn to be ‘Equanimous’, be the zen master of your live & observe everything with no reaction
- Give up all resentment for the cards your life has dealt you, all has been in perfection for who you are today
- Get complete with your parents for Mummy / Daddy issues is a life sentence & destroys all possibility of success in relationship
- Go out if your way to help people daily
- Donate to charities that resonate from an abundant mindset
- Give to the homeless without reservation
- What you perceive as a problem 9 times out of 10 is self created, STOP the projections
- STOP selling out to what you tolerate. Ask yourself the question ‘what would my life look like if I did not tolerate anything that isn’t working?
- Invest in friendships that feed your soul
- Say no to that which does not serve you
- Only focus on that which forwards YOUR game!
- Tell your face to smile ?
- Honour your eulogy now before it’s too late

Sally Anderson
Leadership Coach To The Influencers
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Also read- Learning to remain calm in the face of any circumstance is a superpower!
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