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Healthy You

6 Ways Conscious Living Can Bring Mindfulness In Your Life


Most of the time, we live life without knowing and realizing it. But it hits us when we face any big problem, which may be life-threatening, related to the person or financial loss. Then we suddenly realize what we missed or what went wrong.Blame it on today’s lifestyle, competition to be always ahead of time in work, adulterated food, air pollution and an overdose of social media.

What is conscious living?

Conscious living is when your mind and body work together for a single thing. Most of the time, our mind cannot concentrate and wanders in different directions. It is also concentration, intention and keeping the purpose of the activity you are doing focused.The mind is like a monkey, it wants to be all over places and that too same time. It wants to think all the possibilities which are against you. It is always criticizing yourself.

 One of the definitions of yoga is “yogachitvrittinirodhe” means the purpose of yoga is to reduce activities of mind and attain peace.

 But conscious living is more than that, though the mind is active, focused and aware of the things that one is doing at the moment. Do you want to achieve healthy and balanced life? Then you can follow these points-

1.Conscious eating

You are what you eat, and you are how you eat too!

If you are watching TV, talking continuously, watching phone, replying messages, then you are taking those emotions in the stomach along with food. Although the act of eating is happening, your mind is busy with other stuff. It affects digestion as the energy required for digestion is disturbed by other things.

It is utmost important what we eat and how we eat.

2. Conscious speech/talk

Choose your words wisely, put your brain in gear, before you put your mouth in action. Words hurt more than actions. So, choose your words cautiously. Words can make or break a situation or relationship. If you are angry, frustrated before you say anything pause and think, it may save you from breaking the relationship or a deal.

Also, learn to appreciate things and people and it is for your own good as it helps to release positive hormones.

3. Conscious social media time

We don’t have a choice about Social Media, the question is how well we do it. Overuse of social media is really affecting the quality of sleep these days. We are in contact with friends, colleagues 24 hrs of the day, but losing personal contact with close and loved ones. Though it is important, be conscious how much you need it. According to the survey, 13% of productivity is lost due to social media distraction. You can make your own rules. A simple thing that can help us is to mute WhatsApp groups, disable Facebook notification, not checking messages after 10 pm etc. Check what works out the best for you.

4. Conscious spending time in nature

Time spent in nature heals your body, mind and spirit.

Simply taking a walk in the park gives an instant calmness and peace. Whenever I feel exhausted and tired a walk on the beach side energizes me. With our busy lives and degrading nature, we are staying indoors more stuck with electronic devices and everyday life issues. Conscious time spent in nature help to revitalize energy boosts immunity gets the doses of oxygen gives you happiness and increases your creativity.

So take your time to spend in nature. Appreciate, learn and feel gratitude what nature offers us without expectations.

5. Conscious habits

To change your life, change your habits…

And you can adopt positive habits like getting up early, exercising, conscious eating etc. Or you can develop negative habits like sleeping late, to be constantly on social media, procrastinating etc. As we have a choice, why can’t we make a conscious positive choice?Every small positive habit makes you a better person and it takes a great effort and self-discipline to make that conscious choice of habits.

These habits make your life managed, controlled, happy and healthy.

6. Conscious disconnection

Disconnect to connect… to connect to yourself, your soul and listen to your inner voice.

Disconnect from negative people, negative situation and negative thoughts which drain out your energy, which makes you feel low. Consciously choose the company where you feel positive, lifted and inspired.When you disconnect with all, then only you can make a connection with yourself and when you do that that’s the best connection you can make.

Save your time, energy and efforts with conscious living!


-Archana Amlapure

Instagram: ojasyoga0704
Linkedin: Archana Amlapure

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