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Women’s Health Checklist by Dr Sara Kayat

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Check out the women’s health checklist by Dr Sara Kayat in the above video, who in her informative sharing takes us through some of the areas of health that women should monitor and be aware of.

Women’s Health

As it is said

“The greatest wealth is health.” – Virgil

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Gender disparities have an impact on nearly every aspect of women’s lives, including health. On top of that, nowhere are these disparities more pronounced than in developing countries. While improving women’s health is a challenge everywhere around the world, it is a matter of vital importance for women in developing countries. To respond to this urgent issue, research suggests that one tool can have an immense impact in this area: empowerment.


It is all about empowering every woman with the knowledge about how to take care of personal health. Lifestyle, food habits, personal care, mindset health care together contributes a lot in overall health status of any woman.In present times periodic health check ups which include visits to doctor, getting the screening tests prescribed by the doctor and following the suggestions based on the health reports should be followed by women with mindfulness.

As world health organization has mentioned on their website-

Some of the sociocultural factors that prevent women and girls to benefit from quality health services and attaining the best possible level of health include:

  • unequal power relationships between men and women;
  • social norms that decrease education and paid employment opportunities;
  • an exclusive focus on women’s reproductive roles; and
  • the potential or actual experience of physical, sexual and emotional violence

Certainly there are humongous challenges faced by women across the world whether it is related to education, personal health care, work life balance and many more. Women empowerment is the best solution to all these challenges. Mass awareness in women tribe about giving attention to personal health through media, workshops, support groups can be help women in getting responsible for their own health.

“It’s important to be proactive in ensuring your future health and there are some health checks that are specific to women. Breast Lumps Abnormal Bleeding Bloating Vaginal Discharge Fertility Weight Taking Supplements Alcohol Smoking Exercise”- Dr Sara Kayat, a practising GP at Grays Inn Medical Practice.

You will probably recognize Dr Sara from Channel 5’s GPs Behind Closed Doors, ITV’s This Morning, where she is the resident GP, ITV News and W Channel’s 12 Hours to Cure Your Street. She is an advocate of maintaining good health. Visit the website https://www.hsf.co.uk/drsara to know details about her!

Women’s health has to be given priority in our society so that they can contribute fully in society and lead a fulfilling life.

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