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Activate And Recentre Your Inner Compass: Personal Leadership Skills You Need to Learn-Episode 12

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Womenlines takes pleasure to share about Leadership Coach Puja Talesara as an Influencer for Leadership at Womenlines. Check out her tips in the above video to discover your some personal leadership skills shared by Puja-

  • What is true happiness?
  • How can one be Mindful rather than being Mindful?
  • That’s where the power of Personal leadership, activating your Personal leadership compass comes in.

In upcoming videos, I look forward to be sharing with you the technique of WRAP so that we can be mindful and excel in our Entrepreneurship journey!

Personal Leadership Skills for Entrepreneurs

Roebuck (2004), defines entrepreneurial leadership as “organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal using proactive entrepreneurial behavior by optimising riskinnovating to take advantage of opportunities, taking personal responsibility and managing change within a dynamic environment for the benefit of [an] organisation

Such leadership aims to cultivate entrepreneurial individuals and teams that fully leverage their creative potential in creating value for an organisation. Entrepreneurial leadership does this by employing leadership practices that “develop the ability in employees to self-generateself-reflect, and self-correct in their workplace”.

Within a sub-division of a large organisation, entrepreneurial leadership can involve effectively using the skills associated with successful individual entrepreneurs and applying those within the environment of the larger organisation. This may seem especially relevant within an organisation where those skills have been lost and replaced with a “corporate” mindset that focuses on process, systems and risk minimization rather than on entrepreneurial behaviour.

Credit- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrepreneurial_leadership

It is all about navigating personal leadership by taking action and developing certain skills required to take those actions right way!

Womenlines wishes the readers best of luck in the journey of self navigation of personal leadership to entrepreneurs around!

Leadership in Women

Leadership Coach, Co-founder of Leadership Demystified Webinars & Rewire

Puja Talesara is recognised as a change agent by her coachees globally. She is an intuitive passionate coach, her life experiences piqued her interest in Personal Leadership coaching. . She is privileged to be mentored by John Mattone, coach of late Steve Jobs.  Every month Puja is sharing powerful leadership nuggets for mindset success to empower readers and viewers for excellence.

To know details about online or offline for personal or corporate group  ‘Leadership Coaching’ programmes with Puja Talesara email contact@womenlines.com!

Subscribe https://www.womenlines.com to become the best version of self! Womenlines is a weekly online magazine publishing content on Business Excellence, Health, Leadership Skills and listed in top 50 women’s online magazines to follow in 2021!

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