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Are You Searching For Tips To Avoid Hair Fall: Stop And Read These Ultimate Tips

Womenlines takes pleasure to have Dr Rukshin Master from Singapore as a guest contributor at Womenlines. Dr Rukshin Master is an alternative medicine practitioner having done her M.D. in Homoeopathy. She is a PhD (Scholar) and runs a successful practice in Singapore.


– Iris Apfel

Every woman reading this will agree on how important it is to have a good hair day!! We, women, strive so hard to find that one perfect shampoo, that one perfect home remedy which would suit our hair type and give us our shiny Rapunzel terraces we hoped for. For many years researchers and scientists all over the world have been working hard to make us believe their product is the best for our hair. But what is going to work for you?

I would strongly recommend trying these products for your hair for any of the issues like dry hair, brittle hair, hair fall, early greying of hair or dandruff.

1. Curry leaves

Take some curry leaves and make a paste of them. Now mix this curry leaves’ paste with yoghurt and massage it on your hair. Keep this mixture on your scalp for 20-25 minutes and then wash off with a mild shampoo. Apply this mask every week religiously to see instant results in terms of hair growth. Besides increasing hair growth, this hair mask will also make your hair shiny, smooth and bouncy.

You could also chew on 2-4 curry leaves daily to see quicker results.

2. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds or methi contain proteins and nicotinic acid which are a great source for hair growth. It contains large amounts of lecithin which makes our hair healthy and strong and hydrates the hair. It helps to reduce the dryness of the hair, cures dandruff, conditions the hair, keeps the scalp cool and treats a variety of scalp issues. It is highly effective against hair fall and provides strength from the roots.

Soak methi in water for some time and make a paste. Apply coconut oil to the hair first, and then apply the paste on your scalp. For best results, allow the hair to absorb the mask for at least an hour before washing it.

3. Indian Gooseberry

The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and exfoliating properties present in Indian gooseberry can help a lot in maintaining a healthy scalp and better hair growth rate.

Mix one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry or amla powder in two tablespoons of coconut oil and heat until boiling. Strain the oil and massage it onto your scalp before going to bed. The next morning, shampoo your hair as usual. Do this every week.

You can also take the Indian gooseberry fruit and its extract as a dietary supplement for healthy hair.

4) Flaxseed

Being rich in omega 3 fatty acids and protein, flaxseed can also help in promoting thicker naturally.

Eating freshly ground flaxseeds can help promote shiny and thicker hair. You can also take flaxseed oil.

5) Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium that strengthens hair, minimizes breakage by restoring your hair’s natural elasticity, and facilitates repair of damaged hair. Bananas also moisturize your hair as they contain natural oils and about 75% water.

Strong, moisturized hair also is less prone to frizzing and tangling. Also, the fruit is packed with vitamin A, B6, C and E, as well as zinc and iron.

Take 3 ripe bananas (overripe is best), 3 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons yoghurt. You could adjust the proportions based on your hair length.

Blend these ingredients thoroughly in a food processor or blender. If you need to add liquid, add a tablespoon of milk. Rinse hair with warm water before you apply the mixture and lightly pat it to remove excess water.

Add the mixture to the hair massaging the mixture into your scalp as you add, and leave on for 20 – 30 minutes under a plastic cap, and then a towel for added heat. Rinse out and shampoo and condition as you wish.

Dr Rukshin Master is an alternative medicine practitioner having done her M.D. in Homoeopathy. She is a PhD (Scholar) and runs a successful practice in Singapore.

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