Womenlines as an online media supporter takes pleasure to share about the upcoming Live Webinar by Global leading coaching and leadership guru John Mattone ( Former Executive Coach to the late Steve Jobs).
This Dec grab this amazing opportunity to embrace ‘Personal Leadership’ within you and take charge of your life, discovering your self and your purpose.
Incredible opportunity to reinvent the leader within your friends as we all are leaders and need to lead our lives!!
This webinar is brought by Leadership Demystified teaming with Human Capital. This webinar is open to all students, professionals, parents who desire to excel and bring in abundance in their lives in all spheres. This coaching can help you to identify thought patterns to lead your lives and isolate strengths and gifts that need to be leveraged within you as well as your gaps that need to be addressed. The investment is only 38 USD, which is approx 1.20 USD per day. Nothing should stop you from making an investment in your growth journey!
It is 90 mins webinar is scheduled on 14th Dec 9.30 am EST. Participants will get-
1, Personal online link to the MLEI assessment (Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory assessment, is a powerful assessment of your inner core (i.e Self-concept, values, thinking patterns and emotion make up) strengths and gaps.
2. Personalised soft copy of the MLEI report
3. Opportunity to be in a close knitted group committed to growth and enhancing personal leadership
4. Debriefing on MLEI in group webinar
5. Opportunity for you to directly address your questions to John Mattone and understand the leadership tenants briefly ( the questions would be collected by us before the webinars)
6. An E-book from John’s Library written by him
7. A recorded version of the webinar (for you to revisit, we are working on it )
E-mail contact@www.womenlines.com to know more details!
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Rahul deshmukh
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