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Beauty secrets- Back to basics

Natural beauty is individuality. It is also glowing health and vitality, it is awareness and action, well-groomed looks perfectly nourished skin and a toned and balanced body.”

I read this definition of Natural beauty sometimes back!

To look beautiful is every woman dream and they can go to any length to achieve this dream. The beauty industry is thriving on billion dollars portfolio, consisting of an array of products which promises to return lost beauty like a magic.Somehow womenfolk get trapped easily as they readily believe the promises made by companies.I do believe that our skin requires care in terms of maintaining its moisturizer level, maintaining the tightness of skin, products to reduce fine lines and dark circles, products to manage hair quality. For all these problems makeup products come handy but not the only substitute.Our nature is abundant of natural recipes which if used with discipline will definitely help in taking care of our beauty in a natural way. I researched for some home based cures for skin and hair problem which I will love to share with my blog readers.  Lemon juice, Honey, Sandal powder, Multani Mitti, Tomato, Potato, Gram flour, Turmeric Cucumber so many things are there in our kitchen which can do wonders on our skin.Its all about taking action in a correct way. Aloe vera is the other wonder leaf which is the jewel of all products.I came across a golden tip by the very beautiful lady who has maintained herself wonderfully at that age too. Coconut oil is boiled with Aloe Vera gel till the time the color changes to brown and applied on hair regularly can do wonders in controlling hair fall.  Aloe Vera gel can also be applied on the skin for cleansing purpose.One other tip which I trust by heart is to rub face skin softly with a lemon, or tomato piece with little honey on it.It provides amazing softness to skin and glows too and above all, it is quick to do. Papaya is one other fruit which has amazing effects on skin and hair. Diced papaya used on skin helps in removing dark spots and softening skin. Mashed papaya mixed with mashed banana, honey, curd masked on hair provides shine and softness to hair.So if women are mindful and have a regular routine for basic skin care then they don’t have to spend a lot on cosmetics to enhance their beauty.

It’s not for the world sake women should strive to look beautiful. It should be for their own happiness sake.Women themselves feel confident, full of love, vibrant if they look beautiful and this helps them in growing in real terms.

This was all about external beauty. Internal beauty enhancement is the other way which can add value to personality. Inner confidence, relaxed mind, enthusiasm, mindfulness, gratitude all these virtues really help a woman in carrying themselves with grace.

Natural beauty now is the way a woman protects, reflects and projects her own body power and mental energy. So nature of mental energy has to be taken care and efforts should be made to channel that energy towards the positive path.

Start loving yourself gals and look how beautiful you look!

Charu Mehrotra

Promoting Excellence in Women!


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