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self discovery
July 14, 2021

Isn’t this sounding fascinating, how can the art of window cleaning be used for self-discovery? Guest contributor at Womenlines Mrs Vimmi Jolly, who is an Educationist, Columnist, Speaker from India, [ … ]

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July 8, 2021

Have you ever thought of embracing resistance as your friend? Learn from Leadership Influencer Sally Anderson from New Zealand how this friendship can transform your life! Sally has privately coached [ … ]

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book marketing
July 3, 2021

Every book has a story and every author aspires to share that story and impact as many people! It is all about telling people why you have written a book, [ … ]

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June 24, 2021

Emotional Intelligence is a magic wand that has to be used by every woman for her excellence! Women are emotional, and some are very emotional. Sometimes these emotions become weak [ … ]

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June 22, 2021

Do you know how to be ready to make that conscious choice to get out of mediocrity and leave behind a legacy! Shilpa Kulshrestha, a Game Changer Coach, founder of [ … ]

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meg whitman
June 21, 2021

Womenlines brings to you a series of articles about top women entrepreneurs in the world! This month let’s learn from Meg Whitman, an American business executive and former political candidate’s [ … ]

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June 17, 2021

Global Women Talk(GWT) is a talk show for women of substance! In the third episode, GWT women leaders are weighing their opinions on should we cancel people or not? Women from different [ … ]

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June 14, 2021

Womenlines takes pleasure to share about Leadership Coach Puja Talesara as an Influencer for Leadership at Womenlines. Check out her tips in the above video to discover your some personal leadership skills [ … ]

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business strategies
June 2, 2021

Womenlines takes pleasure to share about Leadership Coach Sally Anderson as a guest influencer for Leadership at the Womenlines panel from New Zealand. In the article below Sally has shared [ … ]

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May 20, 2021

Womenlines brings an opportunity to you to support the widows who have lost their husband due to Covid-19 in India. Covidwidows initiative is especially for women who have lost their [ … ]

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