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Healthy You

Easing Menopause through right nutrition

Turning 40 is a milestone moment and it’s a great age to be in. Especially for women who have more or less achieved their dreams: a fulfilling career, a beautiful family and an assurance and confidence no preceding age has been able to give them. However, all that self-assured existence is often marred by a certain uncertainty. Is it time? Am I there yet? With the many complications we face as women with menstruation already, menopause seems to be as confusing as it gets.

Is menopause to be feared or dreaded?

While menopause isn’t a disease that you need to address or cure, the uncomfortable symptoms can be lessened by far with the help of both prescribed medicines as well as a well planned nutritional diet. Adequate nutrition is essential at this stage to keep deficiencies occurring as a result of hormonal changes. A lot of people undermine the role of diet and nutrition when it comes to ease menopausal symptoms and is too quick to resort to medications. Thankfully, hot flashes, rise in bad cholesterol, bone loss and weight fluctuations are all effectively addressed by small but significant changes in your diet. Food is also an unexpected agent in calming anxiety and restlessness as well as maintaining the overall hormonal equilibrium. If you’re unsure as to what changes in your diet and lifestyle will speed up the easing process, get help from a professional. Because being in menopause doesn’t have to mean being in perpetual discomfort

Menopause diet would focus on getting enough calcium, iron, fiber, and other nutrients.

1 A well-hydrated body with enough water intake during the day is very critical. Skin dryness is most common during menopause and water will play a key role in retaining skin moisture.
2. Calcium stores need to increase as during menopause oestrogen loss leads to bone loss. Good calcium sources are Green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds, dairy products like milk, curd, Broccoli etc.
3. Vitamin D Stores are critical for maintaining bone health. Vitamin D supplementation is recommended to reach healthy zone.
4. Iron deficiency is most common and liberal intakes iron-rich food is recommended. Good iron-rich food includes red meat, Fish, eggs, nuts, and grains.
5. Whole grains are important to get enough energy and help manage stress. Good sources are oatmeal, quinoa, rice & wheat.
6. Eat plenty of fruits and Vegetables
7. Cut down on sugar and salt intake
8. Low calories foods are recommended post menopause. As we age, our metabolism comes down and hence our energy needs so if we continue to eat the same old way, we will add the weights.

Meenu Agarwal

Founder of Food ‘n’ Wellness, a food, and nutrition advisory company based out of Singapore. Meenu is a trained clinical dietitian & holds a Masters degree in Nutrition & Dietetics. She is registered with the Singapore Nutrition and Dietetic Association( SNDA).  She specializes in providing nutrition advice with an emphasis on managing medical conditions like diabetes, cholesterol, acidity, thyroid, blood pressure and weight-related issues. 
Visit  http://www.foodnwellness.com


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