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Episode 4-Global Women Talk (GWT): Should we Cancel People or Not?

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Global Women Talk(GWT) is a talk show for women of substance! In the third episode, GWT women leaders are weighing their opinions on should we cancel people or not?

Women from different backgrounds from across the globe have gathered together to run a GWT show to voice their opinion on topics that concerns all women across the globe. Global Women Talk is all about showing unity in diversity in the women tribe reflecting that wherever they are, they are connected by the same bond of love together. These women believe in sharing their wisdom and insights with other women across the globe, regarding leadership, personal excellence, self-confidence, overcoming social pressure and many more topics.

GWT show aims at reaching out to as many women across the globe and empowers them with various mindset strengthening insights so they can excel in life.


Cancel Culture


Cancel culture or a call-out culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those subject to this ostracism are said to have been “cancelled”. The expression “cancel culture” has mostly negative connotations and is commonly used in debates on free speech and censorship.[4]


The notion of cancel culture is a variant of the term call-out culture and constitutes a form of boycotting or shunning involving an individual (often a celebrity) who is deemed to have acted or spoken in a questionable or controversial manner. The concept of cancel culture has been criticized on the grounds that people claiming to have been “cancelled” often remain in power and/or continue their careers as before. The practice has also been defended as an exercise of free speech


Meet the women of Global Women Talk-

  • Rene Byrd, Singer, Songwriter, Online Influence Finalist 2020, Co-Founder of #Who am I talk https://renebyrd.com
  • Alexia Melocchi, Partner-Hollywood producer at Little Studio Films, Host of The Heart of Show Business podcasthttps://www.LittleStudioFilms.com
  • Mary Pagano, Angel Investor, Board Advisor for Hera and Founder of Hera TV, Board Advisor for Fem Foundry https://www.heracity.org? https://www.fem-foundry.com
  • Susan Hum, The Love Hacker Master Coach Mentor Founder/CEO Steel Rose Inc https://www.susanhum.com
  • Charu Mehrotra, Serial Entrepreneur, Founder of Online Magazine https://www.womenlines.com
  • Clarissa Burt, Founder/CEO In the Limelight Media, TV & Magazine https://clarissaburt.com
  • Amy Williams, Founder & CEO, Fem Foundry, Mobile App and Magazine Https://www.Fem-Foundry.com
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