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Happiness is the key to success!

I love surfing internet whenever free(though have to really strive hard to get this free me time only on the internet out of my big to-do list;)))!

Just like that while carrying out my fav hobby I hit this write up which I will love to share with my readers-

http://www.bakadesuyo.com/2014/09/be-more-successful/      download

Awesome write up which reflects how a small change in thinking can really help you in achieving your dreams.

Now the challenge comes how to keep yourself always happy, when you are surrounded by tons of reasons to worry, get angry, irritated, fidget. I tried to give a shot and focussed on ignoring everything when challenging situations came in front of me and told myself that I will be happy.

Believe me, after whole day little mindfulness regarding my goal I observed that, though I cannot say that it was a happy day for me but yes it was a great mindful day.I observed that this way I am able to hold my thoughts for few seconds(in case of distraction) and collect myself and redirect my attention to something else. And when I am mindful I am more into my present moment and giving my 100 percent to it. This leads to better quality of my work produced and that gives me real happiness:)So what requires is the constant practice of this habit, every day. Then only you can master it.

So now my new year resolution list has one more bullet to get ticked at the end of the year. I will focus to find key factors leading to happiness in whatever situations I am. Writer has very well explained the concept under these points-

  1. Success doesn’t bring happiness. Happiness brings success.
  2. See problems as challenges, not threats.
  3. More work means you need more social support. And giving support is better than receiving.
  4. Send a 2-minute “thank you” email every morning.
  5. Use the 20-second rule to build the habit

These points can really help people to lead a successful life filled with small success pleasures in small moments in the journey of life!

Charu Mehrotra

Promoting Excellence in Women!





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