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Ultimate Secrets Behind Losing Weight Safely


Do you want to know the ultimate secrets behind losing weight safely?

Womenlines guest influencer, leadership coach Ela Staniak – Founder of Feminine Leaders from Australia has shared an insightful article with lots of tips on how to lose weight safely? What is the healthiest way for a person to lose weight? How much weight can you lose safely? What is a realistic weight loss goal? There are so many questions coming to mind when we embark on a weight loss journey. Learn from Ela some ultimate secrets behind losing weight safely-

My relationship with my own body was extremely complicated when I was in my twenties and so today I want to share with you how my own journey of overcoming this particular challenge changed my life and transformed the lives of hundreds of other women. 

Did you know that before I launched Feminine Leaders I spent a decade working with female executives and business leaders in the fitness and wellness coaching arena specializing in weight loss and confidence? But before knowing how to help others ..there were times when I truly struggled with finding my own sense of self-appreciation.

I am sure some of you know this feeling when you look in the mirror and feel this instant sense of disappointment/ dissatisfaction/ sometimes even DISGUST set in within you when you see yourself in the reflection.

I knew I lost control over my own body shape despite the never-ending diet and exercise plans I was on. 

Name a weight loss diet, exercise program, mindset trick, meditation, healing modality, a supplement, a personal development program, a guru I had probably tried it all (respectfully).. 

Some regimes brought the results, however most of them only temporarily.

Ironically, I was the fittest I have ever had been while being the HEAVIEST on a scale I have ever had been. I participated (and loved it) in:

  • obstacle course races
  • 5-15km running events 
  • sport charity events

and yet, I kept putting on more and MORE weight! Aghrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Let me clarify something!

Just like my perception of me at my heaviest was relative to me, your perception of starting point and your desired outcome will be relative to you.

Personally, I felt disempowered and stuck because despite my efforts the results I was getting were directly opposite to what I wanted. I wanted to feel light again in all aspects of this state of being, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. My heart felt as heavy as my body did!

I was frustrated and to say that I was uncomfortable in my own skin would be an understatement. 

I thought, if I am incapable of reclaiming my body while having so much knowledge, education, and work experience in the area of health and performance, then so many other women who don’t have access to the same resources won’t even stand a chance to reshape their body. 

I needed some answers! 

I was determined to find a solution to not only my own stubborn weight problem but more importantly to the rapidly growing global epidemic called: OBESITY. 

After years of work research, successes and failures, yes there were tears and moments of 

“F#*K it, I don’t want to do this anymore” 

I persisted with the process despite any roadblocks. 

Finally, at some point, I began noticing that my body was changing in ways way beyond just physical. 

The more I stepped into ALIGNMENT, the more RESISTANCE and PRESSURE decreased. 

The more my SELF-VALUE increased, the more EFFORTLESSNESS I experienced in my lifestyle, and the results kept snowballing.

The more EASE I had within towards what I wanted to manifest, the more TRUST I gained.

The new version of me emerged and with that, I finally achieved what I wanted: a fit, strong, healthy body and so much freaking PRIDE in conquering the years of challenges. 

Funny enough I weighted as much at the end of my pregnancy (my son is now 2 years old) as I did when I was 25 years old. 

I extracted the most successful strategies which I discovered in my own weight loss journey and some of which I tested in the processes of hundreds of other female clients who created the most phenomenal weight loss results over the years. 

Do you wish to know what the secret sauce to achieving sustainable weight loss is?

It is only when you TRANSFORM your LOVE – HATE RELATIONSHIP with your OWN body you will be then able to achieve the most EXTRAORDINARY weight loss RESULTS.. and wait for it.. 


I was doing it all wrong for years before the penny dropped! HELLO! If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it!

Successful weight loss is achieved by embarking on a JOURNEY of transcending SELF-SABOTAGING BEHAVIOURS. Emphasis on a word: a JOURNEY!

It is not as much about what you are DOING, but who you are BEING first which determines your ability to go to the next level in any arena.

Weight Loss is a process that demands one’s:

  • Dedication to UNEARTHING negative beliefs which are denying PEOPLE living in freedom within their body
  • Commitment to REWIRE the original circuitry to sustain desired CHANGE
  • Plugging into the most powerful guiding and healing system called – INTUITION – most neglected conversation today in the sphere of weight loss.
  • Leaning into the SUPPORT and guidance! Support! Support! Support!

The quicker you BECOME the person who BELIEFS they DESERVE the results they want, the quicker you will fast track your results and:

  • take aligned actions which produce outstanding results
  • stop sabotaging your potential by oscillating between being “good” and being “bad” with sticking to your weight loss plan 
  • disappear INNER CRITIC – the biggest illusionist of your mind who plays tricks with your degree of COMMITMENT to HONOURING YOURSELF 


What does having a sexy, fit, healthy body have anything to do with leadership, you may ask?

My answer is EVERYTHING!

Your RELATIONSHIP with your own BODY directly impacts your ability to OWN YOUR PRESENCE in a boardroom, bedroom and business. 

Your PRESENCE introduces you first. It is the degree of your magnetism, YOUR RADIANCE seeded in confidence but effortlessness.. which magically pulls people towards you. 

“Fake it till you make it” does NOT apply here.

Leadership is an inside job! ~Quint Studer

If you are now ready to achieve the most unprecedented Weight Loss results then reach out for a no-obligation 30min Strategy Coaching Call to find out more about Feminine Leaders 12 week Weight Loss Program: “Awaken your essence” designed for Female C-Suit Business Leaders/ Influencers to RECLAIM their MOXIE, transform their relationship with their own BODY and get their SEXY back! 

The program starts on Wednesday, the 30th of March at 8 am AEST.


DISCLAIMER! This Feminine leader 12 Week Weight Loss Coaching Program is not for the faint-hearted but is designed for those who are TRULY COMMITTED to experiencing RESULTS to UNPRECEDENTED LEVELS!

You can find more details about the program here https://elastaniak.com/12-weeks-program

Ela Staniak -Founder of Feminine Leaders https://www.elastaniak.com/

linked In profile 


As a Feminine Leadership Coach to female CEOs, Executives, and Business Owners, Ela champions unprecedented results for women ready to break through the perception of the ‘glass ceiling’ and gain their rightful place at the boardroom table or claim their space in their entrepreneurial zone of genius. 

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Also Read: How to Develop Self-Leadership?

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