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Learning to Remain calm in the face of any Circumstance is a Superpower


Are you aware of the superpower of remaining calm in the face of any circumstances!

Learn amazing insights on how this superpower can help you from Leadership Coach Sally Anderson, a guest influencer for Leadership at the Womenlines panel from New Zealand. Sally has privately coached key influencers internationally: CEO’s/executive teams/C-Suite forums/entrepreneurs/celebrities/politicians/millionaires/billionaires over 20 years.


Only when you plug into the electricity point can the electricity ignite – learn to remain CALM, observe, not be impacted by external circumstances. No one can impact your state unless you allow it!

?Learning to be CALM when you are disrespected is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is in their default is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is projecting their opinion onto you is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is angry is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is being argumentative is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is misunderstanding what it is you are saying is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is upset with you is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is making you wrong is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is trying to trigger you is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when others are assassinating your character is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when you are at a scene of an accident is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is being offensive is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when you are around negative people is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is late is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when you receive an email that is completely off is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when you are being talked about is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when your kids kick out is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when you perceive things aren’t working is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is taking credit for something you have done is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when in the presence of someone who is stressed, overwhelmed is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when someone is talking behind your back is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when you feel unsupported is a superpower
?Learning to be CALM when you feel out of control is a superpower

How many can you tick today?

Leadership Coach to let go negative affirmations

Sally Anderson

Leadership Coach To The Influencers



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