“Love & Respect Transformation Centre is committed and dedicated to providing long-term quality education, mentorship and platform for people to accelerate their success in life, career and goals.”
LOVE & RESPECT Transformation Centre programs instil the values and business ethics within your business and organisation through its people. With the training programs led by Murshidah Said on Human Behaviour and Relationships, your team will learn to attract Abundance, Wealth and Happiness.
MURSHIDAH SAID is an independent speaker and adviser on personal and corporate transformation. A graduate of the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Sociology in 1993, Murshidah runs successful businesses for more than 18 years expanding throughout Asia.
She is also a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner and a certified life coach recognised by the American Board of NLP, NBPES and NLP University (USA). She is also trained in the areas of Accelerated Learning and whole being learning to achieve better education for participants. She is a Certified Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner.
The One Help One Model also contributes to the mindset and skillset change of people from marginalised groups like refugees, low-income, single mothers and the homeless in Malaysia to overcome poverty.
Visit www.spreadloveandrespect.com for more details!
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