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Wanna Party, Take a Note of These Party Etiquettes for Guests to Rock the Party


Womenlines is delighted to welcome Anjalika, an IITTI (CANADA) certified professional Image Branding & Lifestyle Consultant, as an Influencer for Image Branding at Womenlines. Yes Womenfolk, gear up to learn the tips and tricks to carry yourself with excellence and make excellence your brand. In her sharing for this month, Anjalika is sharing incredible tips about ‘PartyEtiquettes’ to win over friends-

What is there not to love about parties? Whenever I am asked what is favorite thing to do on days I rest and relax? My answer has always been; hosting or throwing parties!

The very idea and anticipation of mingling, socializing, meeting new people, dressing-up – these are all my idea of fun prelude to a wonderful evening. Some time ago, I was invited to a party; the one I nicknamed, The Perfect Mingle.   It was thrown by one of my favourite friends who threw the party just because; for no absolute reason but simply to have those near and dear together under one roof. What can I say, that party was the type that was seamless from start to end. Everyone was having fun; chatting, drinking, eating. The guests were happy and hosts, over the moon. It is never easy to be hosting a party where everything runs perfectly. There are bound to be hitches and glitches along the way.

Having said that, there are a couple of pointers – social or party etiquette, if you will, that can help ensure it’s a day of merriment rather than not.

The very first thing is to never ever ignore an invite. RSVP is there for a reason. RSVP is a French word, translated to English, it means ‘please reply’.   It is important to RSVP as soon as possible. This gives the host ample time to plan and put together his or her party. Also, it will be indicated in the invite if they want you to bring a date. Otherwise, get dressed and be ready for the solo mingle.

My favourite kind of guests are the ones who arrive on time. It reflects the level of respect they have for themselves and for the hosts.   If for any reason you have to run a little late in arriving at the party ground, keep it to not more than 15 minutes. Anything later might possess a little situation, especially if the host is arranging a sit-down-dinner.   Do not arrive earlier than the official party time. The host might be attending to last minutes preparations and you hanging around is the last thing he or she would like to deal with.

It is always nice to show little appreciation when invited to a party. As much as the host will not be expecting anything, it is always lovely to bring along a little gift. Flower bouquets, wine and chocolates are the most popular gifts. Whatever it is that you bring as a gift of choice, the thought is what matters. So nothing extravagant; just a little something to say, “Thank you for including me in your party.”

It’s normal to feel a little intimidated at parties, especially when you do not know anyone there. Make an effort to mingle with other guests. If seats are assigned, an attentive host will always ensure a good mix-up of quieter guests together with the more sociable ones.

Good guests are the type that offers help to the host. Most likely, the host will say no but the thought is always appreciated. Good hosts are the ones that plan the party very much well ahead. Hosts, keep menu simple and within your ability. It is always nice to be able to relax and enjoy your own party; not stuck in the kitchen the whole time, hyperventilating over that roasted lamb.

It is very often that you see people get lost on their mobile phones at parties. With the social media updates hot on our heels these days, it is hard to put our phone to rest. Please don’t succumb to this. Mobile phones should not even be on the dinner table. Should you need to be available to take an important call, put it on vibration and excuse yourself when the call comes.

Before digging in, wait until all guests have been served. Then slowly lift your glass and offer a ‘cheers!’; It is customary. Make sure you have eye contact with all you are toasting to. It is not important to touch glasses; just lift it, a smile and nod will suffice.

Those party canapes and appetisers can be so good that we often overindulge. Keep food and drinks especially alcohol within reason. You do not want to be one of those annoying guests who had overhelped himself to that bottle of Sauvignon Blanc!

When it is time to leave, it is very important to say thank you and bye to the host. A little thank you note or call the next day is always lovely and reflect yourself as a gracious guest.

There you go; simple little pointers that will ensure yet another invite for the next party.



Zu Anjalika Kamis Gunnulfsen is the Editor (Singapore) for Marketing In Asia and certified Image Branding & Lifestyle Consultant. She was also crowned Mrs Singapore Globe 2017. Born in Singapore and blessed to have lived in a couple of other amazing cities in the world, Anjalika is currently expatriating in Kuala Lumpur. Follow her on LinkedIn, Instagram and blog


LinkedIn –https://www.linkedin.com/in/zuanjalika/







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