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Medical College Rape Case Sparks National Outrage


Rape and Murder at Medical College

I m still feeling a tinge in my stomach whenever I think about the doctor’s (the girl who was raped and murdered)parents, especially the mother. As a mother myself, I know how much it means to raise a child, particularly a daughter. When such incidents occur, I start questioning whether we are raising our daughters the right way. Should we be teaching them self-defence as a priority as they grow up so that no one dares to touch them?

We urgently need stricter laws from the authorities, and such culprits should face severe punishment to deter anyone from even considering such acts. Well expressed, Sudeshna Banerjee. This incident has truly shaken the women’s community.

This horrific act, committed in a place of learning and supposed safety, has left everyone reeling. It serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive issue of violence against women in our society. We can no longer accept such tragedies.

Here, the intern at Womenlines.com Sudeshna Banerjee expresses her heartbreak: Sudeshna echoes the team’s sentiment through her words in the article, adding that this incident leaves her personally devastated.
Let us stand together, raise our voices, and work tirelessly to dismantle this system of violence. We must create a society where women can feel safe in all spaces, including educational institutions.


Rape is a brutal act that shatters lives, leaving deep scars on individuals and communities. The recent horrific incident at RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata is a grim reminder of this reality. A young woman was not only raped but also brutally murdered, a tragedy that has shocked the nation and reignited urgent conversations about women’s safety.

The RG Kar Medical College incident is a tragic reminder of the horrors that continue to haunt our society. A young life was brutally taken away in an act of unspeakable violence, leaving a family shattered and a community in shock.

The victim, a young woman with dreams and aspirations, had her life abruptly and brutally ended. Her body was discovered in a state that speaks to the sheer brutality of the crime. The perpetrators, driven by twisted desires, not only violated her in the most horrific way but also left her body in a manner that can only be described as monstrous.

The discovery of her lifeless body was a scene of horror. The physical evidence of her ordeal was all too clear, showing signs of extreme violence and sexual assault. The cruelty inflicted upon her was unimaginable, and the thought of her suffering during those last moments is enough to bring anyone to tears. This wasn’t just an act of violence; it was a display of inhumanity that stripped away her dignity and humanity.

The details of her murder are gruesome. After being raped, she was subjected to further violence that ultimately led to her death. Her body bore the marks of the horrific assault, with signs of struggle and resistance. The perpetrators showed no mercy, using their power to subdue and destroy an innocent life. The brutality of the act leaves us questioning the very fabric of our society and how such darkness can exist within it.

The aftermath of this tragedy is heartbreaking. Her parents, who once nurtured their daughter with love and care, are now left to grapple with an unimaginable loss. The pain of losing a child is unbearable, but to lose one in such a heinous manner is beyond comprehension. Their lives are forever changed, and no words can truly capture the depth of their grief.

In times like these, we must come together as a community to offer our support to the victim’s family. They need our compassion, our prayers, and our strength to get through this dark time. It is also a time for us to demand justice, to ensure that those responsible for this crime are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Justice must be swift and uncompromising, serving as a reminder that such acts of violence will not be tolerated in our society.

As we reflect on this tragedy, let us also remember the importance of teaching respect and humanity to the next generation. We must work tirelessly to create a society where women are safe and respected, where no one has to live in fear of such violence. It is only through collective action and a commitment to change that we can hope to prevent such tragedies in the future.

May God give her parents the strength to endure this unbearable pain, and may her soul find peace. We must all pray that justice is served and that the perpetrators of this horrific crime are brought to justice swiftly. The young woman deserves nothing less than our commitment to ensuring that her death was not in vain, and that her memory serves as a catalyst for change in our society.

Let us hope that justice will be served and that this tragedy will be a catalyst for real, lasting change.

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One comment
  1. Pamposh Dhar

    Truly horrifying news – what that poor young woman must have gone through! And her parents…
    Completely agree with the sentiments expressed here. I want to add one thing in terms of punishment: yes, justice must be swift and uncompromising. But India must look now look at rape and other crimes against women as a horrendous and *endemic* problem: statistics show there are 86 rapes a day in the country!! 86!! That’s mind-boggling. (Report in the Hindu)

    I feel very strongly that one thing that is missing is consistency of punishment. In a few cases, the perpetrators are given the maximum sentence but in so many others, there is little or no punishment! Instead rape *survivors* are informally put on trial – ridiculed and insulted in court, as happened in the Tarun Tejpal case.

    So a potential rapist can imagine he will get away with rape as so many others do. I strongly feel that the *consistency* of trial and punishment would be much more effective as a deterrent than the occasional strong punishment.

    Education is also extremely important, including some focus on humanity and good human values. But that will take time. In the meantime, India desperately needs a deterrent which, I believe, can only come with consistent prosecution and punishment.

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