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Naturopathy by Saravanan Naturopathic Physician

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“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”- Mahatma Gandhi

How true is this saying!

Health is the real wealth and to manage this wealth Naturopathy can play important role in our life. Lady of the house is considered the pillar of a family and to make her family healthy she herself has to be healthy and happy. It is such a pleasure to introduce  Saravanan Naturopathic Physicians as an Influencer for Naturopathy on Womenlines panel. Every month in his article Saravanan will be sharing about how womenfolk can prevent various disease or get cured by following naturopathy.

In this article, Saravanan is sharing about Naturopathy and women’ health-


Naturopathy and Women’s health

Holistic and wellness therapies for mental, physical, emotional and spiritual are widely used by women all over the world than men. It may be because women are more aware and empowered to take charge of their health. Women want to look young, be healthy and feel empowered. Naturopathy can play a significant role in it.

Naturopathic therapies do not follow a single road to good health. It combines nature with modern science. This approach to health care embraces a wide array of non-invasive techniques and therapies, including traditional healing methods, principles, and practices.

Naturopathic therapies focus on holistic prevention and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. Naturopathic physicians work with the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health. The naturopathic physician tries to encourage good health by helping to create a healing internal and external environment.

Naturopathic physicians treat most medical conditions. Among the most common ailments they treat are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, obesity, respiratory conditions, heart disease, fertility problems, menopause, adrenal fatigue, cancer, fibromyalgia, skin challenges and chronic fatigue syndrome.


Basic Principles of Naturopathy


 Naturopathy adheres to the following health principles

  • Naturally healing. Naturopathy contends that the body has the inherent ability to heal itself and, when working at an optimal level, to ward off disease. Naturopathy is intended to help your body do just that.
  • Therapies healing the person as a whole. Naturopaths work from the perspective that health and disease are more than just germs and infection. Mental, physical, spiritual and environmental factors each play a role. Naturopaths and their therapies take these factors into consideration when developing a treatment. So, where a conventional health care professional may prescribe medication to suppress symptoms, a naturopath may look for alternative approaches because the goal is to restore health, not simply banish illness.
  • First, do no harm. This tenet is, of course, part of the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians. Traditionally, naturopathy focuses on gentle, non-invasive therapies that enhance the healing process. It is this principle that underlies the reluctance to turn immediately to drugs for a cure. Naturopaths generally avoid methods that merely relieve symptoms without addressing the cause. This is the foundation of another principle:
  • Identify the cause. Instead of treating symptoms, naturopaths seek to identify and treat the underlying cause. Symptoms are not the cause of illness—they simply indicate that your body is out of balance. The cause is often more difficult to identify. It could be anything from a vitamin or mineral deficiency to an emotional problem. By identifying and addressing (or removing) the cause, the symptoms can be relieved rather than suppressed.
  • Naturopaths place great emphasis on preventive care. Naturopaths assess your risk factors and make suggestions that will support your good health.
  • The physician as teacher. Naturopaths see themselves as teachers and try to teach patients how to take responsibility for their own health. This may involve suggesting nutritional, emotional, dietary or other lifestyle changes.

Is Naturopathy safe with conventional medicine? Naturopaths are willing to work cooperatively with their conventional-medicine counterparts. You should continue your existing treatments while seeking care from a naturopath. Be sure to keep all of your health care professionals apprised of all treatments you are receiving.

When to Visit a Naturopathic Physician? You might want to visit a naturopathic physician for many reasons. Perhaps you have a chronic condition that isn’t responding to conventional care. But you don’t have to suffer from a condition to visit a naturopathic physician. You may simply want to improve your overall health.

Naturopathy is particularly well suited for chronic conditions such as asthma, muscle pain, allergies, and arthritis, as well as disorders that may have a stress- or diet-related factors, such as digestive problems, insomnia, skin disorders and fatigue. Naturopathic physicians also treat colds, flu, and bronchitis. They treat premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and other menstrual and menopausal problems.

If you have a serious condition that requires hospitalization, major surgery or emergency treatment—for instance, if you have a broken bone—seek conventional medical assistance. You can receive follow-up care from your naturopathic physician, which may support natural healing pathways within the body.

Saravanan ND, CH, DMLD, D.Nutrition,

Naturopathic Physician and Transformational Life Coach

Naturopathic Therapies Clinic


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