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Are you a Millennial? Simon Sinek has amazing tips for you for excellence!

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Millenials are people born around and after 1984. I came to know after listening to this amazing talk by Simon Sinek, a British/American author, motivational speaker and marketing consultant. Certainly, this group of people has grown up in real technological advancements which have revolutionalized life for everybody. Just that it is appearing that advancement can cause trouble to them if they are not mindful of certain things. Take a note dear Millenials, just bring mindfulness to these points in life and you will certainly rock:)-
1.Get mindful of your phone and internet usage:
“Simon stresses that the youth should reduce their exposure to technology, specifically cell phones. Many of the elite in tech such as Steve Jobs and Evan Williams never allowed their children to use iPads or cell phones knowing full well what the outcomes would be from constant usage. They were well aware of the correlation of addiction with technology and the dopamine cell phones release in our brains. That awareness was part of their climb to such global success.An entire generation now has access to an addictive, numbing chemical called dopamine, through cell phones and social media, while they are going through the high stress of adolescence.”
2. Develop meaningful relations in life:
“An entire generation now has access to an addictive, numbing chemical called dopamine, through cell phones and social media, while they are going through the high stress of adolescence.Too many kids don’t know how to form deep, meaningful relationships.So we have a generation growing up with lower self-esteem that doesn’t have the coping mechanisms to deal with stress and now you add in the sense of impatience. They’ve grown up in a world of instant gratification.”
3. Let your mind wander at times for innovation:
“The best-case scenario, you’ll have an entire population growing up and going through life and just never really finding joy. They’ll never really find deep, deep fulfillment in work or in
The best case scenario, you’ll have an entire population growing up and going through life and just never really finding joy. They’ll never really find deep, deep fulfillment in work or in life the constant, constant, constant engagement is not where you have innovation and ideas. Ideas happen when our minds wander and we see something and we think.”

Charu Mehrotra

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