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Tag: excellence in women
March 26, 2016

I am so grateful to Platform Ted which introduces new speakers to share their ideas and concerns. This talk is by Dr. Shimi Kang regarding one skill required for an [ … ]

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March 5, 2016

Here is an article sharing health tips for today’s women. These tips are great reminders to all women who forget to care for themselves in everyday routine –   March [ … ]

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January 23, 2016

Passionate, enthusiastic, and crazy for dance, Sonia Khatwani is one such girl whom I met in her dance workshop and was struck by her sheer passion for  Zumba and Bollywood [ … ]

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September 12, 2015

Wayne Dyer, a name which just brings you a feeling of inspiration and motivation!  Wayne Dyer was a motivational speaker and author of many best selling books in his life. [ … ]

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July 10, 2015

I am an entrepreneur and every new day is a new learning day for me! In my startup journey, I am like a school kid who is learning many new [ … ]

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May 16, 2015

Recently I got a chance to read a book ‘Lean In’ by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook. Thoughts shared in the book by Sheryl are so powerful that still resonating [ … ]

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February 1, 2015

US President Mr Obama’s visit as a chief guest for Indian Republic Parade to India was a  golden moment in Indian history!  Media was flourished with various reports about how [ … ]

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January 20, 2015

I love surfing internet whenever free(though have to really strive hard to get this free me time only on the internet out of my big to-do list;)))! Just like that [ … ]

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January 5, 2015

Lunchbox, kids, and mummies have a sweet and sour relationship since the beginning  of the school journey:)!    As a mother, I have always tried my best to be innovative [ … ]

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December 20, 2014

The new year is around the corner and my thoughts are scattered here and there what exactly I am going to look forward to and prioritize incoming new year?   [ … ]

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