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Tag: excellence in women
December 18, 2014

I am an Indian and I am proud of my cultural values and traditions! Today morning It was disturbing to read media news by a leading newspaper reporting about a [ … ]

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September 15, 2014

As a parent, there is nothing more satisfying and fulfilling to see our kids expressing themselves openly and able to create something from personal feelings and experiences.Kids with such ability are [ … ]

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August 10, 2014

It is rarely you come across some book which makes you think deeply about your thought processes and just rewires you with a completely new mindset to manage the business [ … ]

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July 20, 2014

Womenlines proudly shares about  Ms Sher-li Torrey , founder and owner of the Singapore-based organisation Mums@work, a social enterprise that helps women find the work-life balance which every woman dreams of [ … ]

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June 26, 2014

Womenlines is grateful to Ms Pamposh Dhar for guest write up about her experience in field of Reiki-   Sometimes when you least expect it, something utterly fabulous slips quietly [ … ]

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April 16, 2014

Smartphone has turned life smartly for smart women all over the world:)! Seriously, it must be only a few years we have been using smartphones but I hardly find anybody [ … ]

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March 30, 2014

It was such a pleasure accidental landing on the facebook page of Ms. Abha Maryada Banerjee, and I was so much exhilarated after reading her intro as First Indian Woman [ … ]

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March 21, 2014

Losing weight without going to the gym  is a dream for every individual who is looking forward for a healthy lifestyle. Time is a precious commodity in today’s times and [ … ]

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February 28, 2014

As parents, we are often thinking about various ways for inculcating certain habits like Mindfulness in our kids. In today’s hyperactive world when kids are growing amidst such chaos where [ … ]

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February 21, 2014

Hey all fellow busy mothers around, I have an interesting info to share with you all this weekend which will help you a lot in your time management for the [ … ]

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